
Month: January 2022

  • Week of Jan 24

    I’ve been reading Jeremy Felt’s weekly posts for the past year and decided to write my own.


    • Dinners go better when I plan them out a day in advance. Gone are the days when I don’t give dinner a thought until it is time to cook.
    • Speaking of “gone are the days”, I now need to write my to-do list for the next day at the end of each day, otherwise things get dropped. This is a best practice and I sometimes did it, but now it is a necessity. Sleep deprivation is a heck of a drug.
    • Speaking of sleeping, there is a baby taking a nap on me as I write this. What an incredible feeling!
    • I’m taking the second half of my paternity leave starting next week and will be the primary caretaker for Charlie during the day. We timed our parental leaves so that mine picks back up as Amanda goes back to work. I’m very much looking forward to spending the days with Charlie!
    • Life was pretty busy for most of January (travel, Amanda going back to work, me finishing up projects before I go on leave), I so I only did a third of the Genuary prompts. I doubt I’ll go back and finish the prompts later, as I have other generative projects I want to work on. I learned some new techniques in the third I did complete, though! Blog post forthcoming.
      • Those other generative projects I want to work on: Finishing the generative cocktails project I started and exploring asemic writing.

    What I’m reading

    Speaking of reading, my friend (and purveyor of fine RSS feeds) Eric Davis found, a neat little tool that creates an RSS feed to follow new releases from your favorite authors. Liked and subscribed.


    • Notion to WXR conversion (tweet)
      • Notion is cool, but it is pricy and a walled garden. Now that Notion finally has an API that returns nice JSON, I think that it might be time to make a tool that converts Notion blocks to WordPress Gutenberg blocks, which have parity with Notion’s standard blocks (not sure how to handle Notion’s database blocks yet)
      • Thinking WXR file rather than a wp-cli command, which makes it more accessible to WP site owners. Not everyone has access to wp-cli, but everyone has access to the native importer. And the native importer is a lot easier to use than wp-cli for non-developers.
      • The /search endpoint will be useful for getting a list of pages
      • The /get-block-children will be useful for getting the top-level blocks for each page.
      • This project looks like a good starting point for the Gutenberg markup conversion, though I’d need to add things like Tweets, Maps, etc.
      • Cover images -> Featured images
    • Accessibility tool: Color contrast checker with suggestions
      • Tyler Hobbs’s discussion of RGB vs HSB color spaces in Working with Color in Generative Art gave me an idea: Since you can easily increment either the hue, saturation, or brightness in HSB, contrast checkers can give suggestions of how much one would need to change a color in order to have higher contrast.
      • Since most colors on the web are written in hex format, first I’d need to convert into HSB, run a test to see if the brightness needs to be increased or decreased, then increase or decrease it in a while loop until the contrast ratio meets accessibility standards and convert that resulting color back to hex and display it for the user. No reason that incrementing approach couldn’t work with suggesting font weight increases, too.
    • Website updates
      • I’m getting that old itch to update my theme again. I’ve had a sidebar nav for a while, but I’d like to expand my post width to show art and write more tutorials, so I think I’ll put the nav back up at the top. I might swap out my homepage for a landing page and move the blog to its own page again, too. Likely going to use the Blockbase themeArchived Link + FSE, which I just had a great experience using at work.

    I’ve been enjoying Wordle. Here are my stats. I didn’t get it the first day I played because I didn’t understand the rules and tried to play with the letters in the example 🤦‍♂️

    That is it for this week, and Charlie is waking up from his nap! 👋