
Month: December 2019

  • Advent of Code, Day 12: Ember Simple Auth

    Day 12!

    I tried to add user authentication with EmberFire and Ember Simple Auth. I get through the provider workflow with Twitter, see a new user in Firebase, see the correct user data in the network panel in Chrome, and the ember_simple_auth-session cookie has “authenticated” in the content field. But session.isAuthenticated never seems to be true.

    I must be doing something wrong, but I don’t have the time to figure it out today. Time to keep packing. I’m buying a house tomorrow and moving in this weekend!

  • Advent of Code, Day 11: Rendering Charts from Ember Data

    Day 11!

    After some frustrating trial and error and searching through docs with lots of words I don’t quite understand, Dave Wasmer kindly helped me figure out how to get Ember Objects (the results of Ember data queries) in a format I’m used to working with: Something that looks like a regular array of objects, or “POJO” as Dave said.

    The solution ended up being calling the map method on the array-but-not-really-array and toJSON on each item in that. Then I get something back that looks like [{name: ..., startDate:...}, {...}] => c.toJSON()); 

    This allowed me to render the charts with Ember Data stored in Firebase.

    Tomorrow: Digging back in to D3’s update pattern and getting the chart automatically updating when adding a new plant. Dave’s helpful suggestion was to look into the “data down, action up” pattern.

    Thanks, Dave!

  • Advent of Code, Day 10: Setting up Firebase

    Day 10!

    I had a conversation on Twitter with Sam Selikoff and Ilya Radchenko, then later on Slack with Ilya and Dave Wasmer about using Firebase + EmberFire + Ember Data vs GraphQL + Hasura (Sam’s suggestion) vs GraphQL + Fauna (Ilya’s suggestion) for my data needs. I appreciate their inputs and arguments, but I ultimately went with Firebase + EmberFire for two reasons:

    1. I don’t want to set up and maintain an API server for this project. That knocks out Hasura.
    2. Fauna looks cool, but I don’t know either Ember Data or GraphQL that well, so I’ll have to learn one. Firebase + EmberFire + Ember Data is a little more battle tested and there is more documentation and search results for it vs Fauna, so I’m going to stick with that. I don’t want to be stuck in the dark on this project or constantly bug Ilya or Dave about stuff I don’t know. I do that enough at work.

    So that means I set up Firebase and EmberFire today. It was surprisingly easy! The quickstart guide was solid. I was saving Ember Data to Firebase and retrieving it in my routes in no time.

    I modified my Add a Garden form to save to Firebase, then transitioned to the Edit route where I passed along the ID of the garden I just created an retrieved the garden record’s data in the route. Then I read the Ember Data relationships docs and was able to both save and retrieve a garden’s related plants.

    Then I got stuck: I tried to pass the plant data to the calendar component to render the chart and I can’t get it to work. The data isn’t coming through as I expect. I assume it has something to do with relationships in Ember data as promises, but haven’t quite figured the solution out yet. So that will be tomorrow’s project.

    I feel like I’m making progress, though! It was super satisfying to see my collections and documents appear in Firebase.

  • Advent of Code, Day 9: More Ember Data

    Day 9!

    • My problems with yesterday’s ember data store not being recognized magically disappeared when deleting node_modules and running yarn to install them again. Node, man. So good, but so frustrating sometimes.
    • I got plants and gardens showing up in the ember data store after form submissions, which I verified with the Ember Inspector plugin.
    • I added a form for creating gardens.

    garden data plant data

    I thought I’d be able to get it all working locally before setting up EmberFire and Firebase, but after seeing that IDs for Ember Data are usually assigned on the server and having a talk with with Dave Wasmer and Ilya Radchenko, it sounds like I might be better off setting up Firebase now instead of trying to get Mirage to work. That is a little more than I have time for today, so that will be tomorrow’s goal.

  • Advent of Code, Day 8: Learning Ember Data

    Day 8! Another short session of work on a plane before I go home and pack up my apartment. Today I finished separating different functional parts of my components into individual components and started integrating Ember data.

    I hit an issue I wasn’t able to research since I wrote it only a place without internet access, so the below might be wrong.

    My models:

    export default DS.Model.extend({   garden: DS.belongsTo('garden'),   startDate: DS.attr('date'),   name: DS.attr('string'),   color: DS.attr('string'),   daysToMaturity: DS.attr('number') });  export default DS.Model.extend({   name: DS.attr('string'),   startDate: DS.attr('date'),   plants: DS.hasMany('plant') }); 

    Tomorrow’s goal:

    • Figure out why store is throwing errors for me
  • Advent of Code, Day 7: Figure out routes

    Day 7! Today I’m traveling, but I got some work done on the plane: I figured out my routes and started breaking apart components to their individual functions.

    My routes: {   this.route('login');   this.route('signup');   this.route('gardens', function() {     this.route('edit', { path: ':slug' });     this.route('new');   });   this.route('public-profile', { path: ':user_slug' }, function() {     this.route('garden', { path: ':garden_slug' });   }); }); 

    Tomorrow’s goal:

    • Finish breaking the components apart
    • Get the new routes working
  • Advent of Code, Day 6: Plant Addition Flow

    Day 6! Short update today after tons of phone calls, move packing prep, and packing for a trip.

    Today’s progress

    • Removed the mocked plant data for my testing and built out the plant addition flow:
      • If there are no plants, hide the chart, show the form, and show a header
      • After adding a plant, hide the form, render the chart, and show the Add a Plant button
      • Only add the resize listener after the chart renders

    I also tried to fix a bug with the color picker where it wouldn’t close, but didn’t solve it.

    Amanda gave me another good idea today: For items like tomatoes, it would be good if there was another bar at the end that was lighter to signify a harvesting time window.

    Today’s commits:

    1. first use flow

    Tomorrow’s goal:

    • Dig in further to tailwind for styling
    • Read the Ember Data docs
    • Use D3’s update() to update the chart instead of destroying and redrawing it
    • Break the components apart
  • Advent of Code, Day 5: Form Components

    Day 5! I didn’t think I’d make this much progress today, but I’m happy I did.

    Today’s progress

    • Built reusable form components (button, input, form, label) with the help of EmberMap
    • Updated the chart
    • Integrated a color picker addon ember-pickr
    • Discovered and fixed a bug with the way I was calculating the scale.
    • I didn’t realize how much stuff I thought was just regular Ember in our app is actually addons. A bunch of things I use at Crash every day didn’t work at first in plant-gantt until I tracked it back to an addon. For example: ember-truth-helpers and ember-decorators

    The scale bug: the scale bug You see here that blueberries are going off the right side. This is because I was calculating the scale based on the last plant in the list, which isn’t always the one that will be harvested last, only the one that will be planted last.

    Instead, I had to use d3.max and offset to create a custom function to look at all of the plants and see which one would be harvested last:

    let lastToHarvest = maxIndex(sortedData, d =>   timeDay.offset(new Date(d.start), d.daysToMaturity) ); 

    Today’s commits:

    1. upgrade ember, add form components, add some helpers
    2. updates to chart with form data
    3. get the color picker working
    4. fixed end data calculation bug

    Here’s how it works so far!

    plant gantt with forms

    Tomorrow’s goal:

    • Improve the form UI
    • Use D3’s update() to update the chart instead of destroying and redrawing it
    • Show a different screen on the first time you land instead of showing the mocked out chart
    • Break the components apart
  • Advent of Code, Day 4: Responsive D3 Chart in an Ember Component

    Day 4!

    Today’s progress

    • Sorted vegetables by start date
    • Updated the data model to calculate the harvest date by the days to maturity
    • Changed the scale to start 15 days before the first planting and end 15 days after the last harvest to save space on screen. This also allows things to start before January and end after December.
    • Made the chart responsive

    Making the chart responsive took me down a weird rabbit hole. I tried using a computed property and then a bunch of different addons, but none of that worked. So I went the old-school route and wrapped the chart drawing in a function and then added an event listener to remove the chart and redraw it. There is probably a more elegant way to handle it, but I don’t know what it is.

    window.addEventListener('resize', function() {   selectAll('svg').remove();   drawChart(); }); 

    Today’s commits:

    1. change tick format to months and sort data
    2. move to relative scales
    3. responsive chart

    Tomorrow’s goal:

    • Add a form to add new elements and update the chart
  • Advent of Code, Day 3: D3 chart basics

    Day 3!

    Today’s progress

    • set up pods because that is what I’m used to working with at Crash
    • configured Tailwind in Ember
    • successfully rendered yesterday’s D3 mock inside a component
    • Talked to my first user (my wife!) and got feedback about the chart. She says vegetables should be sorted by when you plant them by default, not when you added them to the chart.

    Resources that helped me:

    Today’s commits:

    1. configure tailwind, move to pods
    2. add calendar component and add D3 mock to it

    Tomorrow’s goal:

    • change the calendar component to be responsive
    • sort the vegetables
    • Change the data to be closer to user-input data (plant date and duration, not just plant and harvest dates
    • watch more embermap videos to learn how to update with changes to user input data
  • Advent of Code, Day 2: D3 chart basics

    Day 2! I woke up excited to work on this and spent an hour on it before work.

    Today’s progress

    Figured out the basics of the D3 implementation for Plant Gantt:

    • Learned how to use Observable
    • The week-based X axis
    • Stacking each plant similar to a horizontal bar chart and starting the bar at the correct start date
    • Lining the labels up correctly

    Here is the Observable notebook.

    Tomorrow’s goal

    Get back into Ember land and figure out how to incorporate a chart with mocked out data in an Ember component.

  • Advent of Code, Day 1: Picking a Project

    I’ve wanted to do Advent of Code for a few years, but I just can’t get excited about random puzzles. Not knocking all the folks involved in it–more power to you! It just isn’t for me. So I haven’t participated.

    Last week while flipping through a seed catalog to figure out what I’m going to plan in my garden next year, I had an idea: I want to build a plant starting/harvesting calendar for my garden. Building that will be my own Advent of Code project this year.

    Today was Day 1, planning day.


    Plant Gantt. Amanda came up with it and it is perfect. A gantt chart for plants.


    1. Build an interactive planting/harvesting calendar for vegetables.
    2. Deploy my own Ember app with a user login system on something like EmberFire
    3. Beef up on my D3 and Ember skills.
    4. Use Tailwind for the first time
    5. Make progress every day.


    • Ability to add a plant name, seed start date, days to maturity, and pick a label color for it.
    • Visualize the plant’s growing period on a 52 week calendar
    • See the current day marked across the full calendar
    • Ability to hover over a plant and see how long it has been growing and how long left until harvest
    • Ability to create an account and save your calendar
    • Ability to print the calendar you created
    • Ability to create multiple calendars with unique names

    I may not get this done in 25 days, but I intend to make progress every day. It will be tough with the month ahead: Two out of state trips, moving into our new house, and holiday parties. I’ll carve out time every day to get some work done, though.

    Today’s progress

    1. Picked a name and got a domain
    2. Planned out the features and my goals for the project
    3. Set up the git repo and basic Ember app
    4. Install add-ons: ember-d3, ember-cli-tailwind

    Tomorrow’s goal

    • Figure out the basics of the D3 gantt-style chart