
Month: April 2018

  • 16 Books That Shaped How I Interact with the World

    Yesterday my friend Derek Magill asked the Praxis community, “What books have had the most impact on your career/education?”

    I love this question. Notice the use of the word impact. He isn’t asking for your favorite books, the books you recommend on a specific subject, or the books you agree with the most. He is asking for the books that have had a significant impact on your education. Books that influenced and changed the way you think and interact with the world.

    Here is my list, in order of when I read them. I explain what impact they had on my education and how that shifted the way I interact with the world. Link

  • How to send custom conversion events back to Facebook advertising with ConvertFlow

    I made a video that shows you how to send custom conversion events to Facebook whenever a visitor, lead or customer engages with one of your website’s calls-to-action – all without having to touch your website’s code. It was featured on the ConvertFlow blog!

    Check it out here: Link

  • New book notes: Reamde by Neal Stephenson

    Reamde is a wild ride that traverses half the globe, has multiple storylines intertwined, and jumps back and forth from the virtual and physical world. Stephenson is a captivating writer who pulls you into the story. He makes 1000+ pages feel like 300.

    Check it out here:

  • Improving Jekyll Build Time

    When I migrated all of my old posts to Jekyll, my build time skyrocketed. The average time was 39 seconds for 853 posts. Abysmal. This is especially annoying when I’m actively working on the site with jekyll serve and waiting 40 seconds for changes to reflect.

    The first step to figuring out what takes so long is running the Liquid profiler: $ jekyll build --profile

    This is what it output for me:

    Filename                                                | Count |    Bytes |  Time --------------------------------------------------------+-------+----------+------ _layouts/default.html                                   |   853 | 9652.42K | 7.462 search/feed.json                                        |     1 | 1394.16K | 4.148 _includes/header.html                                   |   853 | 1230.35K | 3.485 _layouts/post.html                                      |   755 | 5119.00K | 2.301 _includes/opengraph.html                                |   853 |  870.67K | 1.694 _includes/icons.html                                    |   810 | 1752.89K | 1.454 sitemap.xml                                             |     1 |  203.34K | 1.321 _includes/footer.html                                   |   853 |  109.12K | 0.273 til/posts.yml                                           |     1 |   14.27K | 0.147                                                |     1 |   18.02K | 0.085 _posts/             |     1 |   16.78K | 0.080 isotope.html                                            |     1 |  389.52K | 0.048 _layouts/book.html                                      |    34 |  198.47K | 0.039                                                  |     1 |   58.76K | 0.023 feed.xml                                                |     1 |  139.11K | 0.022 ... with a dozen more tiny blog index pages from paginator  done in 39.359 seconds. 

    I tried a bunch of random stuff that made tiny improvements before I started doing research: Removing extraneous files, cleaning up if blocks that I no longer used, hardcoding things in the header that relied on variables from _config.yml, etc. None of this made significant improvements. I had already moved extraneous plugins long ago and I keep Jekyll up to date, so there was nothing more to do there.

    I eventually came across this post by Mike Neumegen, which mentioned jekyll-include-cache, which caches the files you tell it to with the first instance and then serves the cached versions up for subsequent requests. For includes that don’t change based on the page content, you can replace {% include example.html %} with {% include_cached example.html %}. When I did this with my sidebar, nav bar, and footer, it cut my average first build time to 28 seconds, with subsequent regeneration times around 19 seconds. Awesome! (Neumegen’s post, which mentioned jekyll-include-cache contains a lot of other helpful advice for Jekyll build optimization. Check it out!)

    My next step was to look at other includes to see if I could shave more time off. Some files had a mix of static and dynamic assets, so I split out all of the static assets into more include_cached includes. This cut another 5-6 seconds off of my build time. Boom.

    Now that my layouts and my includes were as optimized as I could get them without major rewrites, I turned to the next major time hog: search/feed.json. 4 seconds for a single file! This file loops through everything on the site and dumps it into a single file so that I can crawl it with Javascript to power search on my site.

    I used Mat Hayward’s search project with a few tweaks. As I dug deeper on the specific functions in the feed.json generator, I noticed that everything was being converted from Markdown to HTML first, then HTML stripped out, then turned into JSON. I wondered if skipping the markdown conversion step would lead to inaccurate search, so I tried it. Not only did my search function the same, but it dropped feed.json’s build time down to around a sixth of a second.

    My build time now looks like this:

    Filename                                                | Count |    Bytes |  Time --------------------------------------------------------+-------+----------+------ _layouts/default.html                                   |   853 | 9564.71K | 2.922 _includes/head.html                                     |   853 | 1571.79K | 2.623 _includes/opengraph.html                                |   853 |  870.67K | 2.171 sitemap.xml                                             |     1 |  203.34K | 1.177 _layouts/post.html                                      |   755 | 5195.80K | 0.509 search/feed.json                                        |     1 | 1394.65K | 0.176 _posts/             |     1 |   16.78K | 0.091                                                |     1 |   18.02K | 0.076 isotope.html                                            |     1 |  389.52K | 0.050 _layouts/book.html                                      |    34 |  198.47K | 0.030 _includes/header.html                                   |     1 |    1.43K | 0.021                                                  |     1 |   58.76K | 0.019 feed.xml                                                |     1 |  139.24K | 0.018 ... with a dozen more tiny blog index pages from paginator  done in 19.594 seconds. 

    Regeneration times when running jekyll serve are hovering around 13 seconds now, which is a significant quality of life improvement for me when managing this blog.

    There is probably more work I can do with moving the highlighter to the front end with JS and simplifying the Liquid in head.html and opengraph.html, but I’m stopping here for now.

  • Troubleshooting Problems Installing Craft CMS on Laravel Homestead

    Today I installed Craft CMS in for a new Praxis project. I use Laravel Homestead for my local development environment. It installs like pretty much every other PHP app on Homestead (use this guide by Matt Collins if you aren’t very familiar with Homestead), but I ran into a few annoying errors along the way:

    Mcrypt is required

    If Mcrypt is required shows when you first go to http://yoursite.local/admin to finish the install, it is probably because you are a good citizen and your Homestead box is actually up to date, running PHP 7.2 as the default. Here’s the issue: mcrypt was removed from PHP 7.2. Craft 2 still needs it. There are three solutions:

    • If you need PHP 7.2, you’ll have to install Craft 3. It is still under development as of this writing, so I didn’t take that path. (Update April 2, 2018 – Apparently Craft 3 is launching on April 4, so you won’t have this issue for long!)
    • You can install the mcrypt extension for PHP 7.2.
    • You can use a different PHP version. I took this route. Homestead makes this super simple by allowing multiple PHP versions. In your Homestead.yaml, set the php variable to php: "7.0" under your site in the Sites block. Here is what mine looks like:
    - map: craft-praxis.local      to: /home/vagrant/craft-praxis/public      php: "7.0"

    GROUP BY incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by

    If you see this message, chances are that you are using MySQL 5.7.5+, which changed the way it deals with GROUP BY. See this StackOverflow post for the two solutions: Removing the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY option from sql_mode or adding the initSQLs database config settings in craft/config/db.php.