Week of September 5

When we pick him up from daycare, Charlie has been signaling to be picked up, then he hugs us and gives us a kiss on the cheek. It is so sweet 🥰

Charlie is Mr. Independent right now. Except when he crawls or walks underneath something and gets stuck, then he appreciates Mom and Dad coming to help.

A pretty rainy week after a long dry spell. We definitely needed it.

Finally got around to updating my Reading page to add what I’ve read the last couple months.

Though, inspired by Mitchell Earl, I really ought to add the books I started but didn’t finish, too. There would be at least 10 more from the past two months across multiple genres. Currently the page only shows the ones I finished, which have been all fiction recently.

Unfinished from the last couple months (but still in the pile to finish): William Gibson, Karl Ove Knausgaard, Saint-Exupery, Ivan Doig, Jane McGonigal, John McPhee, Zena Hitz, Allan Ginsberg, Ruth Reichl, Zadie Smith, Edward Abbey, and Sherwood Anderson. I jump around a bit.

I’d love to say that I’m going to take autumn to finish these books, but I’ll honestly probably buy 12 more, finish 5 of those, and only finish 2-3 of these 🤷‍♂️

Cooking of note this week:

I find the new Instagram update that autoplays sounds on ads and video stories hostile and unusable. It breaks the traditional pattern of honoring the users’ silent setting and makes it impossible to stop the sound unless you turn your volume completely to zero.

I wrote a traditional blog post this week:


Our team at work played a remote team social game that was more fun than expected: Everyone takes a photo of their desk and everyone tries to figure out which desk belongs to which team member. We had a blast!

Here is a photo of my desk:

I helped my friend Jeremy build a swing set for his son Miles (Charlie’s friend!) on Saturday. The boys enjoyed it!

Amanda and I are watching Billions and House of the Dragon right now after Charlie goes to bed and we finish cleaning up from dinner.

I’m off to make some pizza sauce and clean the kitchen. I can’t use the pizza oven tonight because it is raining, but hopefully I can use it tomorrow. 👋


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