Week of August 29

Charlie is officially a toddler now. He took his first unassisted steps Sunday, August 28, and by Thursday he was wandering all around the house on his own. It is so fun to see how proud he is when he figures out a new skill.

He also has crawling up the stairs and climbing furniture down pat. Along with that comes pushing boundaries to learn where the lines are, which is trying for sleep-deprived parents. We are doing our best to take deep breaths, stay calm, and be patient.

We froze 9 bags of tomatoes (about a pound and a half each) this week. That makes 17 bags total so far, on top of what we’ve eaten. The plants keep going! We planted 8 tomato plants this year: 6 Romas, 1 Cherokee Purple, and 1 Giant Belgium.

We might be finally though the intense summer heat here. I’m going to leave the window units in a bit longer just incase, but we are loving having the windows open and not being drenched in sweat.

I mowed the lawn for the first time in a month. I’ve only had to mow once a month this summer because of how dry it has been. Most of the grass is brown and I’m only mowing to knock down the weeds that seem to thrive in the dry heat.

I’ve been a bit under the weather this week. I picked up a cold from Charlie, who picked it up from daycare. The goldenrod is in full bloom right now, too, kicking my seasonal allergies into high gear. I’m on the tail end of the cold, so next week should be easier. I’m thankful for this long holiday weekend.

Some work-related news: I’m switching teams (though staying within the same division/group) and becoming a team lead again, this time of one of our engineering teams. I wrapped up and handed off my projects last week and am starting the new position on Tuesday. I’m excited about the new role!

I’m getting sick of social media again. This happens once every few months. I might be scarce there for a bit and blog here more.

Amanda and I have been enjoying House of the Dragon on HBO and The Sandman on Netflix. The latter makes me want to revisit the comics again.

What Labor Day Weekend looked like for us:

Going to post this and sign off now and make the best of the rest of the day today. Maybe making pizzas on the deck? Another tiki drink? Long walk by the river? We’ll see what the day has in store.


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