Week of May 15, 2023

This felt like a pretty long week, though it is the same length as all the others. Amanda was out of town for a few days and Charlie got sick while she was gone, so I needed to take off work a couple days to take him to the doctor and care for him. Poor little guy has some pretty noticeable chest congestion and a bad cough. He needed to be put on antibiotics. To make things worse, it seems like the rest of his remaining teeth are all coming in at once, so his mouth is sore. Both of those things affect his eating and sleeping, so it has been a tough week for Charlie, and a tiring one for his parents. Also, my allergies are at peak intensity right now as tree and grass pollen fill the air.

When he was feeling well, Charlie started playing on his own in the backyard with us up on the deck. A first! It is really cool to watch him do things on his own and explore.

I love when the Black Locust trees are in bloom. So beautiful.

We had some friends, Chris and Meg (the same ones we met in Poughkeepsie last month) come stay with us on Friday night. We made kabobs on the grill, two of our favorite tiki drinks, and hung out for the evening, and made breakfast the next morning. Unfortunately our plans for the next day were sacked due to the rain (it was beautiful all week and the next day, but Saturday was cold and soggy!), so they went home a bit earlier than originally planned. We’ll try again on a day with better weather.

I mentioned last week that we got a new grill (Weber Spirit II E-310). I’m very happy with it! The old one had thin metal grates and was prone to flare-ups, but this one has thick enameled cast iron grates, which hold and radiate the heat for much more even cooking. No flare-ups so far, either!

Amanda and I took Charlie to a birthday party at an indoor kids play area in Danbury, CT, and he had a great time once he opened up and got used to lots of other kids running around. Someone he gets along with very well with at daycare was there, so that helped him adjust. We enjoyed chatting with her parents, so I see some play dates in the future.

Currently reading Delta-v by Daniel Suarez on my Kindle. I’m also listening to the seventh book in the Baroque Cycle series by Neal Stephenson.

As soon as I can get to the bookstore, I’ll probably pick up the next book in the Red Rising series by Pierce Brown. I enjoyed the first one, which I finished last weekend.

I breezed through Dark Matter by Blake Crouch this week, but it was a bit dark for me to read this week. It didn’t help that the main character’s son’s name is Charlie.

Weather highs and lows for the week:

Temperature83.8 °F33.8 °F59.2 °F
Dew Point63.3 °F20.8 °F42.1 °F
Humidity99 %16 %59 %
Precipitation0.06 in
Wind Speed11.6 mph0.0 mph0.4 mph
Wind Gust17.7 mph0.9 mph
Pressure30.61 in29.77 in

I enjoyed looking back and seeing what we did at this time last year. I was still on paternity leave then and we were trying to get a few things in before I had to go back to work: More woods explorations, West Taghkanic Diner, the Sol LeWitt exhibit at Williams College, helping Jon do some timber framing. It was also the start of our renewed tiki exploration, and I’m happy to report that we are are better versed, have cooler drinkware, and a wide variety of rums on-hand.

I need to get back to my practice of writing down three things I’m thankful for every day. It makes a noticeable difference in my outlook.

I have a ragù slow cooking on the stove for dinner. I rarely have the time to prep something like that and let it simmer all afternoon, so I’m looking forward to it. 👋


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