This week went by quickly. Lots of rain and time indoors. I didn’t do much during the week except take care of Charlie, cook, do dishes, and read. I did make up for that a bit this weekend by mowing, weedeating, and sawing and splitting some wood with my friend Jon that my neighbor let me have from a tree she took down. I’m planning on turning and carving some bowls out of the wood, and perhaps make a couple stools.

Charlie absolutely loved swim class this week. He started smiling and splashing as soon as we got him in the water. The next day we took him to the park and put him in the baby swing, which he also loved. Such a happy little boy 😊

Speaking of Charlie, he expanded his repertoire of foods a bit this week: Naan (which he dipped in tikka masala sauce), hummus, grilled chicken, pizza, and French toast (no syrup). Old classics like cucumbers, pears, and broccolini are still a hit. He strongly prefers to self-feed, so we are just cutting things into strips or putting it in a bowl and sticking it in front of him to see if he eats it.

We’ve been listening to classical and jazz music with Charlie while we eat breakfast each morning. Favorites include Peter and the Wolf, Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra narrated by David Bowie, Ella Fitzgerald’s renditions of nursery rhymes, and Slim Gaillard’s Serenade to a Poodle and Potato Chips. We started collecting it in a playlist on Spotify:

I found my first morel this week! After two years of searching the woods near our house and coming out empty handed, I found this one in our own backyard of all places.

Some tasty things I cooked this week:

  1. Chicken tikka masala and naan
  2. Chicken thighs, radishes, and broccolini on a sheet pan with everyday spice
  3. Chicken burritos with rice, pico de gallo, pinto beans, and cheese. Griddled to crisp the outside.
  4. Breakfast burritos
  5. Chicken shawarma bowls with roasted cabbage, hummus, tomatoes, and cucumbers.

In retrospect, that is a lot of chicken.

Silicone ice cube trays are always so smelly, no matter how much you wash them. I stumbled upon a solution this week from Cooks Illustrated: Bake them!

My friend Chris Johnson came up from NYC for a visit on one of the two non-rainy days we had this week. Chris has a nice personal knowledgebase site (similar to my digital garden, but built on GitBook.) Chris shared this really cool post about how mechanical watches work with nifty animations.

Currently reading:

Currently watching:

  • Amanda and I recently finished watching Russian Doll season 2.
  • We are enjoying Ted Lasso. This post is late this week because we decided to snuggle and watch Ted Lasso after Charlie’s bedtime this past weekend instead of blog.

New newsletter subscription: Drinking and Knowing Things, a weekly newsletter to help you learn about wine. I might get the book, too.

Jason Kottke is taking a break. Good on him for taking the time he needs to recharge, reset, and reconnect.

Looks like my digital garden has some problems: List items style inexplicably changed and the links in the page list block are no longer clickable. Neither reason is readily apparent. I’ll investigate more this week.

My reflection on blogging has been getting linked to from other folks and shared on quite a bit this week! Trackbacks and pingbacks warm the heart.


2 responses to “Week of May 2”

  1. This Article was mentioned on

  2. […] but it was nice to catch up with Chris, meet Meg, introduce Charlie as a toddler (Chris met Charlie a year ago), walk around outside a bit, and have dinner at Millhouse […]

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