Day 152 – Update on Life

I have been posting lots of photos and thoughts lately, and I have neglected to post about what is going on in my life, so I will do that today.

First of all, I would like to thank those of you who emailed, called, or talked in person to me about what I posted yesterday. I greatly appreciate it.

I am staying in Amherst for the majority of the summer. I can not go to San Francisco to work, as I thought I was going to do. Financially, I couldn’t swing it. Long story. So, I am working for the Amherst school district again, as well as doing photography and websites on the side.

Next week, I am off to the Foundation for Economic Education in New York with my friend Bradley for a seminar on Austrian Economics. I am pretty excited about that. I will be gone from June 8-12. Then, as soon as I come back, I am driving down to Ohio University to see my cousin Lindsay graduate. I should be back some time on the 14th. I have a few other things planned for later this summer, but I will mention them as they grow closer.

I have enjoyed my time being home so far. I have had lots of time to relax, hang out with friends, read, and think. It is nice not to have to write papers constantly, but that will come soon enough. (One of my friends mentioned that I have to go back to Hillsdale in only 13 weeks! I am sure that will go very quickly.) I hung a 3’x4′ dry erase board on the wall right next to my bed so I can sketch out ideas and leave myself reminders, etc. It has only been up for two days, but I have enjoyed it so far. It is close enough that I can sit on the edge of my bed and reach the entire thing. I love dry erase boards!

–I think the government controlling 60% of GM is utter nonsense.–

I won a pair of tickets today to see Pete Yorn and Ryan Humbert at the House of Blues in Cleveland on Wednesday night. I was listening to 88.3 (The Sting out of BW), and I called at the spur of the moment when I heard the giveaway. It turns out that I was caller number 3, and I won the tickets! So, Amanda and I are going to the House of Blues on Wednesday. That should be fun! Wednesday should be a good day. I am only working in the morning, and I am meeting David Wagner for lunch in Vermilion to catch up on each others’ summers thus far.

Anyway, that is a quick update on what is going on in my life right now. I am currently working on a website for someone right now, so I am going to get back to working on that. I will have another post tomorrow!


One response to “Day 152 – Update on Life”

  1. Amanda S. Avatar
    Amanda S.

    Your summer sounds fun, espcially the economics seminar. Too bad you will not be around for my graduation party!

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