100 things that made my year (2023)

  1. Having some of my art printed on postcards and distributed to hundreds of people at WordCamp Europe.
  2. Moderating photo submissions to the WordPress Photo Directory
  3. Testing out a hard seltzer recipe for an upcoming homebrew book by Emma Christiansen
  4. Making Falernum and various syrups for tiki
  5. Driving Big Sur and 17 Mile Drive for the first time
  6. Recipe testing for a new book and learning how to make hard seltzer
  7. Charlie discovering hot chocolate
  8. Tomatoes from our garden
  9. Posting Likes and microblog notes here first instead of another social platform first.
  10. Having one of my photos hung in a gallery at WordCamp US.
  11. Pushing Charlie on the swingset
  12. Charlie pointing out trucks, animals, stars, etc. He is so observant!
  13. Getting comfortable furniture for the back deck.
  14. Rowing on the Croton River and the Hudson in all different seasons.
  15. Making some rabbit stew with black pepper dumplings with my parents
  16. Getting perspective on how well maintained our 95 year old house is
  17. Taking Charlie down to the riverfront walk to ride his bike.
  18. Playing in the sand with Charlie on the beach
  19. End of summer vacation in Cape Cod
  20. Charlie throwing rocks in the river.
  21. Working with my Dad to restore an old workbench top for his shop
  22. Walks in the woods with Charlie and Amanda
  23. Christmas lights walk at Harvest Moon Orchard
  24. Getting the desk for my Ikea Poang chair. I use it every weekday. I’m writing this at it now.
  25. Reading physical books.
  26. Attending Gwen and Jacob’s wedding in Monterey. Reading Cannery Row while there.
  27. Trick or treating with Charlie and friends in Lake Peekskill
  28. Charlie riding his bike along the riverwalk and cruising down the hill.
  29. Making pizza and tiki drinks at our house with friends on NYE
  30. Morning breakfast sandwiches with Charlie
  31. Growing more of a local community here in Peekskill
  32. Wandering around Depew Park and exploring with Charlie for almost two hours on Saturday. Making sure Charlie has space to make his own decisions and explore.
  33. Going to San Juan, PR, for a work team meetup
  34. Taking Jay on his first Hudson paddle
  35. Charlie having an excellent time whenever he got ahold of the garden hose.
  36. Burgers and french fry sauce at Meyers Old Dutch, Beacon
  37. Family walk with the sled in the snowy woods on a winter day in February
  38. Getting a pellet ice machine. We use it in cocktails, iced coffee, iced tea, etc.
  39. Putting up the climbing wall on Charlie’s swingset and watching him figure it out and master it over the next 8 months. Amazing.
  40. Cape Cod vacation. Charlie playing on the beach and exploring. Whale watching.
  41. The cardinal pairs in our backyard
  42. Snuggle time with Charlie
  43. Giving a talk on debugging with Logstash and Grafana.
  44. Wrapping up the attic insulation project
  45. Going to some art shows at the Center for Machine Arts
  46. Going to Malaga, Spain, for a work division meetup. Jumping in the cold sea at night.
  47. Listening to the windchimes
  48. Making hot sauce with my red jalapeños
  49. Alex Kirk’s Friends plugin with the Send to Kindle tool. Getting more into the indieweb in general
  50. Taking Charlie out in the guideboat on Lake Sebago
  51. Learning how to recharge the AC on my car.
  52. Night out with Amanda celebrating Meg’s birthday. It was in a location we go to at least once a week, but transformed into a party space, at a completely different time of day, and filled with people we are friends with, it felt completely different in a magical way.
  53. Taking Charlie out in the guideboat for the first time
  54. Making Shortcuts workflows to make posting here easier
  55. Having a little helper for all of our house projects
  56. Blogging more
  57. Wood fired Wednesdays at Pizzeria Baci. It was here that Charlie decided he liked pepperoni
  58. Birthday in Kingston and Woodstock. Bookstore to get copies of Sandman signed. Trying Moonburger and Dixon’s Roadside.
  59. Integrating AI tools into my daily workflow.
  60. Eating Khao Soi at Nicky’s Thai in Sewickley
  61. Charlie’s kind, sweet, and curious disposition
  62. Looking for pinecones in the woods with Charlie
  63. Charlie has grown so much this year! Photos from 1 year ago are recognizable, but feel so long ago and like a different kid.
  64. Charlie’s love of breakfast sandwiches
  65. Many, many hours at playgrounds with Charlie, running around with him, pushing him on swings, giving him high fives when he reached the bottom of a slide.
  66. Doing things I’ve been putting off, such as getting the heater maintenance done before the cold set in.
  67. Making Christmas cookies as a family.
  68. Visiting the Claytons in Walnut Creek, CA
  69. Running the Harvard Blog Archive preservation project.
  70. Observing the hockeystick growth of Charlie’s vocabulary
  71. Having a local artist design Christmas cards for us for the second year in a row
  72. Celebrating holidays and birthdays with local friends
  73. Trick or treating with our friends and their kids
  74. Getting birria tacos from food trucks
  75. Tending to the garden with Charlie
  76. Reading When an Elephant Goes Shopping with Charlie, my favorite book when I was a toddler.
  77. Building things out of blocks with Charlie. Vacuum trucks, bulldozers, semi trucks, hammers, etc.
  78. Putting in the glass rinser in the sink. We use it all the time!
  79. Taking Charlie to the playground, running, and having fun with him
  80. Making art with Charlie and Amanda at the coffee table
  81. Finishing 29 books
  82. Picking out pumpkins in the rain with Charlie and Amanda. He was happy to stomp in the mud, sit on a tractor, and ride in the pumpkin wagons.
  83. Talking to the Praxis students about using AI tools
  84. Getting out on the river and paddling/rowing
  85. Helping Jon build a woodshed
  86. Coming out of the fog and feeling more like ourselves
  87. Having lots of people over in the backyard for Charlie’s second birthday. Things like that are why we wanted a house to begin with!
  88. Friendsgiving at Jeremy and Megan’s house
  89. Putting book shelving in my office and changing the ambiance in there
  90. Visiting the Desmonds in Salinas
  91. Starting the generous coaching program that Automattic offers all employees
  92. Working with Dave Winer on FeedLand
  93. Charlie showing in interest in music and instruments. He wants to play a trumpet.
  94. Visiting Erin and Tyler in Pittsburgh
  95. Sandwich Fridays at Benny’s Brown Bag. We meet another couple for lunch each Friday at noon.
  96. Getting back out in the woodshop and making dreidels and christmas ornaments on the lathe
  97. Observing Charlie figure out the alphabet and his basic numbers this year.
  98. Mornings at Peekskill Central getting breakfast with Amanda and Charlie before one of us gets on the train
  99. Charlie playing with his cousins at Christmas
  100. Getting a new grill and cooking on it more

Other years: 2022, 2017

Likes, Bookmarks, and Reposts

  • Jeremy Felt


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