Week of October 30, 2023

Back to work. It was a jarring rentry. The very first thing I saw when getting online Monday morning was a ping about an issue that had major customer impact. Talk about getting the adrenaline pumping.

It turns out GitHub and Cloudflare both had even bigger issues this week, too. And the time change didn’t even happened yet!

Not the smoothest week in the tech world.

Trick or treat was fun this year. We went to a friend’s house in Lake Peekskill and trick or treated as a group. Charlie really got into it and was pretty conscientious–he generally only took 1 piece of candy per bowl, and understood that it was communal, so he didn’t get upset when there were other people getting candy before and after him.

He dressed up as a cow (Amanda made his costume!) and Amanda and I dressed up as farmers.

We are really thankful for the friend group we have here. Really thankful.

Unfortunately, it looks like Charlie picked up RSV at daycare, so the end of the week and weekend has been tough. Tired, sick toddler with tired, stressed out parents.

I made this easy chicken noodle soup on Friday and I think it will be a new go-to when someone is sick. It is delicious and takes only 30 minutes to make. The secret is using ground chicken to speed up the process and retain flavor.

Easiest Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe – NYT Cooking
The majority of shortcut chicken soup recipes use rotisserie chicken It’s a convenient hack, but cooked chicken doesn’t absorb flavors very well On the other hand, sautéing ground chicken in olive oil with garlic, coriander and celery seeds (or fennel seeds and rosemary, or herbes de Provence) creates a deeply complex base

I made some quick sheet pan meals this week, too. We have lots of sweet potatoes from the CSA right now, and those are quick to roast (peeled and 1in dice, 425F for 30 minutes) and tasty with paprika, garlic, and salt. Would probably be good with eggs for breakfast, too. Maybe I’ll do a breakfast sheet pan with sweet potatoes and bacon this week.

One of my favorite new follows on Twitter is Nico Chuan, who posts great in-progress photos of his carving process. I’ve learned some things about the process just from his photos that I hadn’t quite figured out in my head.

New favorite follow on Instagram: Ethan Neiderer, who makes skin-on-frame St. Lawrence River Skiffs. I thought they were ADK guideboats at first because they are so similar. The differences: No bottom board, all ribs are bent instead of laminated, and slightly different style of stem and deck. I’m comparing notes with Ethan soon and thinking of designing a hybrid style that combines the benefits of both the ADK guideboat and the St. Lawrence River Skiff. Not having to laminate all those ribs would save a tremendous amount of time and effort.

Starting the winterization process. I pulled the last of the ACs out of the windows today, swapped the screen door for the glass one, and picked up some weather strip, weather seal, and foam kerf for the windows and a few doors. I plan to put that on tomorrow.

I feel horribly behind on my reading and writing. I know that is all self-imposed, but I feel behind none-the-less.


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