Week of July 10, 2023

It has been a very damp week here. It rained 6 out of 7 days this past week.

We are glad we came back on Saturday, because there is a big chance the route we took would have been washed out around the time we would have encountered it on Sunday due to the storms. We got ~6in of rain on Sunday night/Monday morning and our basement flooded, along with everyone else in the neighborhood. We removed 80 gallons of water, which is less than most of our neighbors got. It was seeping up through the floor because the ground was so saturated. We were spared compared to Highland Falls and West Point, though.

It has been such a rainy and humid month that we haven’t sat out on the back porch for three weeks.

On one calm evening, I took Charlie out to ride his bike by the river again. He was so conscientious and stopped and moved to the side when groups were walking by. He also thanked me for pushing him up hill.

More water in the basement on Sunday the 16th. Much less than Monday, but still more than we’ve gotten at any other time living here. The last time we got close to this much was during Hurricane Ida in 2021. Probably time to put in a sump pump and re-seal the basement floor.

We also lost power for much of Thursday evening and early night, unrelated to weather. We came home from picking up Charlie to find the power out, so we decided to go to The Feast of Mt. Carmel in Verplanck to get sausage & peppers for dinner. It has become one of those yearly traditions for us. We went for the first time two weeks before Charlie arrived, then two weeks shy of his first birthday, and now two weeks shy of his second birthday.

I got a new bike with a seat for Charlie. Looking forward to family bike rides! Charlie loves his “bike hat.”

Charlie is in a new “What’s this?” phase, except he is actually asking “What’s this?” instead of “Dat?” and when we tell him the word for the thing he is pointing to, he attempts the word, no matter how hard.

He is also getting consistent with some colors. He seems to have Blue, Orange, and Pink down, and a solid start on Yellow and Purple. Green and Red still seem a bit tough.

Big enough to push a child cart at Trader Joe’s, but not big enough to not run into people or displays.

Rough time at work this week. I found a UI bug in phpmyadmin the hard way 😣 I’m not ready to post about it yet, but will once we track it down and propose a fix.


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