Week of June 19, 2023

This week flew by.

Last Sunday after my weekly post, getting pizza at Hudson & Packard didn’t happen. After an hour drive with a toddler who didn’t want to be in his carseat, they were sold out. We’ll try again in the future. We did have dinner somewhere else in Poughkeepsie, then got ice cream in Wappingers Falls, where Charlie had a lot of fun riding his bike around the parking lot (it basically lives in the car these days.)

Amanda was off of work on Monday. I had to work, so we still sent Charlie to daycare and she was able to do some projects with the Cricut machine she just got. Tuesday, and Wednesday were pretty work-heavy for both of us, so I don’t have much of note to report. We opted for easy dinners and after dinner walks with Charlie.

Getting Charlie to bed seemed more difficult than usual this week. Not sure what is going on there.

Thursday was our 10th anniversary! We celebrated by making a nice dinner at home together (double cut ribeye, sauteed greens, side salad), then having a fire in the chiminea on the deck after we got Charlie to bed, sharing a bottle of wine, making s’mores, and writing down some of the big things from our first ten years of marriage. We’ve shared and grown a lot together.

Yeah, I overfilled the chiminea. It did burn down pretty quickly and was soon at a more reasonable level.

As I like to jokingly remind Amanda, our wedding anniversary and the day I started this blog are both on June 22. I’ve been blogging here for 15 years! On June 22, 2008, I was holed up in a hotel room in Tarrytown, NY, (not far from where we live now!), eating pizza, and learning how to install WordPress on my cheap shared hosting, writing my first post, and figuring out how to customize my theme. The rest is available via RSS.

I caught up with Jeremy Felt on Friday afternoon, which was nice. I’ve been enjoying our catch up calls once every couple months. It is nice to chat with someone who also does remote work a lot like my own and has a child around the same age. We go through so many similar things! Jeremy is also a WordPresser, IndieWebber, and blogger. It is a shame we live on opposite sides of the country.

Friday evening Amanda and Charlie hung out with some friends of ours while I opted to stay home for some quiet time. I ended up cleaning the dining room and kitchen, tidying living room, writing my weekly veggie share post, and reading a little bit.

Saturday we met one of Charlie’s daycare friends and her parents at Barnes & Noble’s Saturday Storytime, where they read a children’s book, do live music, and some coloring. Everyone was having a good time, so we went out to lunch afterward. We love seeing Charlie and other kids play so well together. The original plan was to go to Muscoot Farm, but it was raining all morning.

During naptime I worked on an iOS Shortcut for posting to this blog, Twitter, Bluesky, and Mastodon all at the same time.

  • You can download a stripped-down version here. It relies on the native Twitter app (which annoyingly prompts you to confirm posting), Ivory for Mastodon (you can swap out with your Shortcuts-friendly Mastodon app of choice), and two Get Contents of URL actions for Bluesky. You’ll need to swap in your Bluesky identifier and app password in the cURL sections. h/t to Eric Davis for sending me the Bluesky API calls.
  • Here is my shortcut for posting to a WordPress blog via Micropub.

Later after naptime we went grocery shopping and made taco salads for dinner.

Sunday I mowed and then replaced the shutters on our downstairs windows while Amanda and Charlie played in the sprinkler. I need a taller ladder to do the upstairs windows, so those will have to wait a few weeks.

The humidity the last couple days has been rough. If this keeps up, I’m seriously considering putting the window air conditioners in. We’ve held off so far this summer because the evenings have been cool and it is nice to have the breeze.

I remarked to Amanda that though Wednesday was the solstice, it still doesn’t feel like summer to me. Probably because we haven’t done the activities I typically associate with summer (swimming, rowing, kayaking, hiking, fishing.) We need to change that.


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