Week of March 13, 2023

Amanda and I both got strep throat this week, Amanda early in the week and me at the end of the week. I’m writing this Sunday night in bed with a fever. I was supposed to be on jury duty tomorrow, but I’ll have to call and ask for a deferral tomorrow.

The nor’easter that came through on Tuesday dumped plenty of snow, but did not give very interesting weather station readings.

The snow melted off completely by Thursday, when it got up to 60F. Charlie and I went on a nice walk in the woods, then swung in the backyard for a bit. we noticed that daffodils are blooming!

Charlie remembers so much. We seems to know most of the common fruit and vegetables now. We were quizzing him and he was able to point them out correctly multiple times from a grid of photos. We also got out some from the fridge and he got them right, too. He can’t quite say the words yet, but he is working on it.

Lately Charlie has been picking things out when we go to the grocery store. The look of pure joy on his face when we say okay and help him get whatever he picked is worth it. Thankfully it has been normal stuff like cheese and muffins.

I did most of our taxes this week (just need to double check and submit) and we planned a family trip to California for a wedding. It will be Charlie’s first plane ride! ✈️ To quote him, “Wwoooooowww!”

I added spark lines to my weather station blocks. Check them out at https://cagrimmett.com/weather. Next up: Mobile styling.

That’s all. I’m going to get some sleep and hope these antibiotics work quickly. Here’s hoping for a week or two without anyone in the house being sick 🤞


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