Week of October 10


Charlie is getting really close to one nap territory now. When he has two naps it is very difficult to get him down at night, but he falls asleep pretty quickly at night when he only has one nap. I guess the trick is to get the timing of that one nap right so that he doesn’t crash too soon before his bedtime.

He has been very into Wheels on the Bus and Itsy Bitsy Spider this week, hand motions included.

Mimicking things we do is a new pastime. It is so cute!

Charlie likes kefir.

He is getting so confident and fast with walking, which is really fun to see. His climbing is improving a lot, too. That one is more fun for him and less fun for us. I love that he is adventurous, but he doesn’t quite understand what he can and can’t climb on and what will hurt him, so we need to pay pretty close attention to him.


I’m trying out Jan Boddez’s new Indieblocks plugin. It has some of the same functionality as the old IndieWeb plugins, but made for the block editor. After resolving a conflict with another plugin and flushing my permalinks, things started working as expected. I sent out a few likes to some friends and it looks like they went through!

Next steps:

  • Make a better looking archive page for Likes and Notes.
  • Figure out a workflow for sending likes and creating bookmarks that is faster than doing it through wp-admin.
  • Auto post short notes to Twitter or micro.blog?
  • I might rewrite the slug from notes to “micro” or “short” in order to not get confused with my digital garden, notes.cagrimmett.com.

WordPress 6.1 is shaping up to be a pretty cool release.


  • Performance improvements and more query caching
  • Accessibility additions
  • Extending the query loop block
  • Locking blocks
  • Much more!

I’d like to do more core testing, providing feedback, docs improvement, and maybe even some development work. Maybe I should set aside a couple hours a week at work to do that?

I noticed that some updates to the Gutenberg plugin and TwentyTwentyTwo are making my site look wonky. I know I need to update it, but I probably won’t get to it for another week or two. The cobbler’s kids have the worst shoes.

Everything Else

I went down a rabbit hole of figuring out Winter/Christmas/Holiday tiki.

started with a question: What does Winter Tiki look like? Lots of overlap between island spices and winter spices (cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, anise). How do you make a tiki drink that feels seasonally appropriate in a cold climate?

I asked this question to some friends and I emailed some well-known tiki bartenders. I heard a lot of “tiki is a mindset” and “tiki is a year-round thing for me.” There didn’t seem to be a repository for holiday tiki drinks, so I decided to put one together from what I found. It is a work in progress, but off to a great start. You can find that here:

I want to make more generative art. I need to make some time for it. Here’s how I’m thinking about that:

How can I set the stage so that when I have ~30 minutes I can sit down and explore right away, rather than spending those 30 minutes getting things set up? What templates can I leverage? What ideas can I sketch out on paper beforehand?

Sheet pans and bowls were the dinners of choice this week. Roasting chicken and vegetables, and grilled meats with rice and sautéed green. All done in quantity so there were abundant leftovers.

Doing some pho ga in the instant pot for dinner tonight.

I wrote a blog post about using curl to determine if a site uses Cloudflare cache:


My uncle mentioned to me this week that he stopped getting emails for new blog posts, which seemed to be running through the old Feedburner I set up in college. I investigated, and it looks like Feedburner got some updates:

  • The styled feed page is gone. Now it returns a standard XML feed.
  • The account editing screen for existing accounts has some UI updates.
  • Emails look like they are turned off, but there was a way to export email addresses of subscribers, so I migrated those emails to Jetpack Subscriptions.

The end of an era. Feedburner was once ubiquitous.

The Obsidian 1.0 update that dropped this week is great. I’ve been using Obsidian daily for the past year and the update makes it even better.

Obsidian 1.0 – Obsidian
Obsidian: A knowledge base that works on local Markdown files.

Mostly Twitter is to be avoided, but there have been two high points for me recently:

  1. Connecting more with the greater WordPress community
  2. Martin Doudoroff (the guy who makes the good cocktail apps) sharing things from the Cocktail Kingdom library.
  3. Threads like this one on Afghan fall recipes.

This is my lemongrass harvest for the year. A bit underwhelming (I expected it to grow larger), but this will work for ~4 meals. Planning on using it this sweet potato curry and this tom kha gai soup.


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