CSS Confetti

TIL how to make confetti with CSS. No javascript needed.

I used this codepen as a base and modified it to my needs. The author, @fionnachan, had an interesting method I hadn’t thought of: Make a div for each piece of confetti, transform and skew each one, and then set a random offset so it looks like each one moves independently when you apply keyframes animation. @for in SCSS makes the random offsets and transforms a breeze.

The only downside is that it compiles to almost 4000 lines of CSS. I’m going to try a JS version and see how it performs in comparison.

UPDATE January 7, 2018: I moved to a JS solution based on https://codepen.io/anon/pen/JMOQzE. 50 lines of code + a jQuery dependency that was already getting loaded anyway is much better than 4000 lines of CSS, even if the CSS is novel.

CSS Confetti


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  1. This Article was mentioned on cagrimmett.com

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