Get Back On Track

Sometimes I get off track. This is what I need to do to get back on track:

  1. Turn off social media. Remove apps from phone, turn on the 1Blocker (iPad and iPhone) and WasteNoTime (Mac) rules.
  2. Wash your face.
  3. Drink a full glass of water and eat a healthy snack if you need one.
  4. Get your keys and headphones, put on a podcast, go for a walk around the building. Breathe deeply the whole time. Check the mail when you come back in.
  5. Clean off your desk, clean off the dining table, and empty/load the dish washer.
  6. Turn off the podcast and turn on music (Jazz Vibes, Hundred Days Off, or Tycho). Sit down at the dining table with your notebook and make a list of the most important things that need to get one. Evaluate each item and block out a time on the calendar to knock it out over the next few days.
  7. Pick one thing to start work on immediately. Start working.


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