I had a few photos in the Collegian today, but here is one I took that did not get published. It was supposed to go with an article that ended up not running this week.


4 responses to “Day 260 – Computers”

  1. Mort Avatar

    Nice picture. Do they need to worry about copyright and such, because you may need to blot out the prominent Apple logo.

  2. Mort Avatar

    Pardon the punctuation errors. I should have question mark in there somewhere.

  3. Comment on day 250 – Human behavior.

    Today was the big street sale on Linn Rd. As always we had an abundance of household items and clothing, lawn and garden, electronics ect. Among the items I had a water cooler for sale, the type that holds the 5 gallon jug on top. The water jug had the local spring water dealers logo printed on the side. I had it turned so the logo was proudly displayed on the front and the jug was 1/2 full of drinking water and the unit was plugged in and cold. A potential customer was telling his wife he would like to purchase the water cooler and mentioned that the unit was filled with the finest spring available, in his opinion. He drank 2 glass fulls of the water and his wife drank one, and he kept commenting the water tastes so good. The best spring water he has tasted. He told his wife if he buys this cooler, he will only buy his water from this company. Little did he know, we filled the jug out of our faucet before putting in the garage sale! Good ol Lake Erie’s finest! šŸ™‚

  4. I am proud of you, Dad. I don’t fall too far from the tree, eh? šŸ™‚

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