Day 96 – Snow, Exams, and Political Essays

What do all of these things have in common? My day today!

First of all, the outcome of the snowstorm in the photos I posted last night was about 4 inches of wet, heavy snow on top of everything. We had several large tree branches fall around campus due to the weight of the snow. It was a sunny day, though, so it was beautiful! Surprisingly, the snow is still on the ground, even though it was in the high 30s today. Everything will freeze again tonight, though, since it will be in the 20s.

I have two exams coming up; one Tuesday in microeconomics, one Wednesday in poly-econ. I am spending my evening studying for them, as well as a quiz I have in Calc II tomorrow.

As for political essays, you should read Patri Friedman’s essay at the Cato Institute, titled Beyond Folk Activism. (I am in the acknowledgements at the end, because I was part of the editing team!) It is a great essay outlining the dangers of folk activism and focusing on realistic activism and alternatives to folk activism.

Also worthy of reading, Detroit businessmen had enough of government fiat and created a private currency that is being used around Detroit! I need to go there and find some before the government tries to shut it down. (Unfortunately, though, it is backed by U.S. currency, so is subject to the same dangers. Maybe they will eventually back it with gold or silver.)


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