Personal Beliefs vs. Political Beliefs

I have been thinking about this for a while.


I think it is important when talking about legislative policy and our beliefs to ask ourselves this question:

Do I actually believe in this strongly enough to force it upon others through legislative action, or is it just a personal belief?


I am okay with someone believing anything he or she wants to. When that person (or group of people, for that matter) starts to force it upon others through legislative action, however, that is when I start having a problem with it. 


To quote Leonard Read, “Let anyone do anything, so long as his actions are peaceful; limit government to keeping the peace.” Let’s do away with all of this nonsense legislation that does not have to do with peacekeeping. (Though, admittedly, I am willing to take it farther than that, but I will leave that for another time.)


2 responses to “Personal Beliefs vs. Political Beliefs”

  1. I agree. The next time you hear someone say, “There ought to be a law…,” spit on him. I am only kidding, as that would be a violation of the non-aggression principle.

  2. Been busy? Or you forget you have a blog? 😀

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