Microblog post

I created a plugin to pull down data from my home weather station and display it in a custom block. The data updates every 10 minutes. I’m also gathering daily summaries behind the scenes for future blocks to come.

Here is the block in action. It is currently “no frills” and needs some styling and a round of code clean up, but I’m happy with the first working version.

Current weather conditions from KNYPEEKS11

Last updated: 2023-06-16 02:26:36

58°FHeat Index
58°FActual Temp
58°FWind Chill
0UV IndexUV index sparkline over the past 48 hours
Low risk, no protection needed.
0 in/hrPrecip Rate
0 inTotal Precip
56 °FDew Point
29.99 inHgPressure
Holding steady ↔️
0 mphWind Speed
0 mphWind Gust

This block will live permanently at https://cagrimmett.com/weather/

You can find the plugin code on GitHub: https://github.com/cagrimmett/wunderground-pws-wp-blocks


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