Microblog post

Note for my future self since I always need to look this up: Here are the formats for tagging users in Slack when you post messages webhooks or the API:

  • User: <@userid>, such as <@UUBE7MDML>. You can find this user ID in the web interface of Slack and going to their profile, then looking at the URL, which is in the format https://app.slack.com/client/clientID/something/rimeto_profile/userID
  • Group: <!subteam^subteamID|@group-name>, such as <!subteam^S0406RGH26B|@chucks-fake-team> – You can find that in the web app, too: https://app.slack.com/client/clientID/browse-user-groups/user_groups/subteamID


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