Here is a little logic quiz for you:

Given this statement, which of the following is correct?
List your answer in the comments. (The answer can be any combination of the statements.)

Statement: If the red car is broken, then John drives the blue car.

a) John drives the blue car only if the red car is broken.
b) If the red car is not broken, then John does not drive the blue car.
c) If John does not drive the blue car, then the red car is not broken.
d) If John drives the blue car, then the red car must be broken.
e) The red car is broken only if John drives the blue car.
f) John drives the blue car if and only if the red car is broken.
g) If John drives the red car, the blue car is broken.


3 responses to “Logic Quiz”

  1. this got my mind all tied up in knots feeling like this is definitely a trick question.

  2. D Wags Avatar
    D Wags

    It’s just the contrapositive. All the others are spurious. I do still like this sort of logic.

  3. Yes, I’d have to go with b as well.

    Told you I’d try to answer!

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