Day 14 – Disk Warrior

Disk Warrior

Disk Warrior, produced by Alsoft, has saved me and hard drives that I have worked on multiple times. Corrupt catalogue on your drive?  Lost file directory data? Corrupt sectors on your startup disk? Disk does not mount? Disk Warrior will fix it. I keep my CD in my bag just incase something happens. You never know when disaster will strike your hard disk, so when it does, save your files with Disk Warrior. (Of course, I still recommend frequent backups…)


Here is some praise from Macworld on Disk Warrior:

Few utilities are as important and as reliable as DiskWarrior 4. Throughout many years, this program has showed its value as a data and bacon saver, and this new version continues to provide essential maintenance and repair features. This may be one of the few programs that every Mac user should own.


Today was my first day of classes. I think this semester is going to be great! After my first English and Microecon classes tomorrow, I will write my initial thoughts on my classes. I also got my Vibram Five Finger shoes today! I wore them around for a few hours; they are pretty comfortable!


3 responses to “Day 14 – Disk Warrior”

  1. When are we going to see photos of you in those ridiculous shoes?

  2. Did you install Disk Warrior on the imac?

    I hear you got your shoes…… Cool

  3. Nonarchist: I will take a photo in a few days.

    Dad: Disk Warrior is not a program that you install, it is on a CD that you can boot from to repair the drive. I do not have a copy at home, but if something major goes wrong on the iMac, I will probably come home or the evening or weekend.

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