Day 11 – Back at Hillsdale

Today I drove back to Hillsdale after a nice break at home. The new semester starts on Wednesday.


Here is my schedule for this coming semester:
MWF, 9:00-9:50, Intro to Political Economy with Dr. Wolfram
MTWF, 10:00-10:50, Calculus 2 with Dr. Treloar
MWF, 2:00-2:50, American Heritage (H) with Dr. Birzer
T TH, 11:00-12:15, Rhetoric & Great Books II (H) with Dr. Jackson
T TH, 1:00-2:15, Microeconomics with Dr. Steele
Also, I work at ITS on MWF from 3-5 and on T TH from 2:30-5.


There is over a foot of snow on the ground here. It is beautiful! I will try to get out tomorrow to take some photos.


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