A few days after I started the primal challenge, I was on the look-out for a quick snack idea that could double as a light lunch. I saw that a few websites recommend Paleo Kits from Steve’s Original, so I ordered a sample pack of Steve’s products to give them a try. I was a huge fan of the Original Paleo Kit and the Coconut Paleo Kit. I almost ordered more, then I thought, “Why can’t I make this myself?”. I went home for a week between my internship at the Foundation for Economic Education and heading back to Hillsdale, so I teamed up with my parents and made some goodies of my own. Since they are a mix between Paleo Kits and Primal Pacs, I am dubbing them Primal Kits for the time being.

Though we used some specialized equipment, there are some alternative ways of making these, so try it out!

What are in the kits:
Beef Jerky
Dried Blueberries
Dried Cherries
Dried Strawberries
Dried Coconut
A few dried Apricots

The Grimmett Household is no stranger to making jerky, so we marinated some beef in our favorite batch of seasonings, put it in the smoker for a few hours, then finished it in the dehydrator. If you don’t have a smoker, you can make it entirely in a dehydrator, but it takes much longer. If you have neither of these things, an oven or a grill works just as well. Search Google for methods. Also, search Google for jerky recipes…there are thousands. Like I’ve mentioned before, I am not a big fan of measuring things out, so I just mixed together a few different sauces and spices for the marinade. That is what I’ve always done and it always turns out to be delicious. Don’t fret over exact recipes.

We also dried the strawberries in the dehydrator. I store-bought the rest. I bought the dried berries with the least amount of added sugar and preservatives in the store. If I could do this over again, I would have dried everything myself, but I simply did not have enough time. I was leaving for Hillsdale in two days and needed to finish these up. I figured this would be okay, given the 80/20 rule and the fact that a tiny bit of extra sugar is still better than the massive amounts of bread, pasta, and candy I was eating earlier this summer. I know this is less than ideal, but again, I was short on time. The next batch will all be dried at home and preservative/added sugar-free.

To finish things up, we Seal-a-Meal’d everything in convenient portions. If you don’t have one of these nifty machines, use zip-loc bags. (The shelf-life might not be as long as their vacuum-sealed twins’, though.) We didn’t measure anything out…we just put in what we thought was a good relative ratio of nuts, berries, and jerky and didn’t lose sleep over it.

These are quite tasty and keep me going throughout the day. Try your hand at making some!


4 responses to “Homemade Primal Kits”

  1. […] For the inside scoop on how to make your own Chuck Grimmitt Homemade Primal Kits, just click here. […]

  2. […] I don’t have a fancy smoker like Chuck Grimmitt, the meat will be in my dehydrator overnight.  If you don’t have a dehydrator, I totally […]

  3. […] always have the self control to stay away from them. This is when I decided to make the primal kits. I needed something primal to turn to when I had cravings so that I would not go on a carb binge. […]

  4. These look great. Do you have any tips for paleo friendly jerky marinade ingredients? I am a splash of this and an oz of that kind of a cook, but I want to make sure I start with a few of the right things… do you use ingredients similar to Steve’s Original? Thanks ~dale

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