Meghan Haines, Rocker Chic

I shot these photos of Meghan Haines last semester for a fashion section of the Hillsdale Collegian. See a few more photos and some commentary over at the Hillsdale Arts Blog. A special thank you to Marieke van der Vaart and Rachel Hoffer for helping me with this shoot.

Strobist info (above): Softbox camera left with a Canon 430EX fired through it and a SB24 camera right lighting up her zebra-striped umbrella from behind.

Strobist info (above): Softbox camera left with a Canon 430EX fired via a Cactus V5.

Strobist info (above): Softbox above camera left with a Canon 430EX and a SB24 directly behind Meghan lighting up her purple highlights. Fired via Cactus V5 triggers.

Coming up next: Portraits of Actor Ryan Black. Check back!


One response to “Meghan Haines, Rocker Chic”

  1. Very good Chuck! Looks extremely professional. I can’t wait to see more photos like this in the future.

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