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While my parents and I were driving home from my aunt’s house after an early Easter dinner, we spotted large billows of black smoke in the sky. We quickly figured out where it was, so we decided to drive by and see what was going on. Also, I had my camera with me, so I wanted to see if there were any photo opportunities.

It turned out that a barn on Dewey Road in Amherst was on fire, and we were on the scene before the fire department got there. In fact, we pulled up at the same time as the first policeman in the area did. I was able to get a few photos before the structure collapsed, then I got photos of the fire department preventing the flames from spreading after the barn did collapse. I will post a few photos tomorrow of the later stages of the fire, after it died down.

EDIT: Two of my photos were aired on Cleveland’s 19 Action News at 11 p.m. tonight!


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