I couldn’t find a way to reply on Manton’s thread, so I’m attaching my note here.

I think I was working on this stuff before the .bar. format came about. Too bad we didn’t collaborate. Maybe these ideas will fit into Automattic’s efforts now.


It’s based on the idea that since you’re already producing RSS feeds, how about telling us where your archive is, in your feed, so all we need to piece it back together, 25 years from now when you’re retired in Tahiti, it’s all there in the feed. 😉

It would’ve also gotten people talking about future-safety, which has been a big issue of mine forever.

Also — I think we need some way to communicate among people like Manton and myself and Ward Cunningham, and the folks at Automattic (just examples) so when you want to work in an area and want serious collaboration, or to know what prior art is out there, so we don’t reinvent each others’ work (which happens far too often) you actually stand a good chance of finding it.